Saturday, November 14, 2009

Phi Mai festival

Kilometeres: 786
Punctures: 1

This morning we left Korat, bound for Phi Mai. We had heard that they had some beautiful ruins in town, and there was a festival of lights on this weekend, so decided to check it out. As soon as we arrived in town, we knew the festival was BIG. Both with Thais and other Western tourists.

The whole town has turned itself into a giant heaving market! Awesome! We spent a bit of time wheeling around town, but found that everything was booked solid. All except a couple of dorm beds at a cute little guesthouse (Boonsiri guest house). We took them!

We have already been out to explore the market and have made sure to rehydrate with plenty of fruit-slushy drinks, and also picked up a delicious lunch of fried rice and a glutoneous amount of BBQ pork ribs hot off the grill. Mmmm! Did I mention that we like Thai food?

So, we have decided to stay on for tomorrow as well. We havn't managed to see much of the markets yet, despite walkng arounf for a few hours. But will have time to check them all out if we stay another day. Plus, we want to make the most of out two-week Thai visas ; )

A funny coincidence happened when we wheeled up to the guesthouse - apparently we had just missed Mark, the English cycle-tourer we met three days ago. Seems that he didn't quite make it all the way to Buriram and ended up staying two days in Phi Mai too! Apparently he told them all about us, and they were practically expecting us! Small world...

We hope that you are all keeping well - we are thinking of you.

-E & V xoxoxox


  1. Dad is wishing he was there with you. This is a very good idea, the blog, we love hearing about what you are up to, and both keeping safe. Lots of love Mum and dad.

  2. Hi girls!
    It's great reading all about your interesting experiences! Really enjoying the blog! - and it feels like we're right there with you cos you write in so much detail :D. It's giving me itchy feet too! The best thing about exotic travels is that you can truly have an adventure just walking down the street!! *news flash from home* - vanessa - it has just been announced that Ron has resigned. He will be taking up a post at AKL uni law school next year :D. Take good care of yourselves and looking forward to the next instalment. Jacqui xx


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